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We are more powerful in R&D. We develop the most effective and latest botanical ingredients for dietary supplement, sports nutrition supplement, bodybuilding and fitness, brain fitness, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. We are cooperating with Gansu Agricultural University to combine the characteristics of each herb with our own experienced expert to develop the optimal formulation efficiently.

 In Addition, we cooperates with Labs in Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park to test natural ingredients for health industry with our customer’s requirements. Based on customer's requirements, our strict third quality control and data analysis are done in these Labs. We can also send our products to the third Labs, such as Pony Testing International Group,Shanghai, SGS and so on.

Our rigorous R&D Systems focus on:
>To find new applications of normal herb extracts
>>To research and develop the latest ingredients from botanicals
>>>To research and develop traditional pharmaceutical grade ingredients
>>>>To do research and clinical studies of functional formulas