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Loquat Leaf Extract

  • Latin Name:   Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.)Li
  • Synonyms:   Japanese plum, Japanese medlar,nespola giapponese, néflier du Japon,bibassier. japanische mispel, wollmispel, nispero, nispero japonés, nispero del Japónm, ameixa amarella, ameixa do Japao.
  • Part of Used:   Leaf
  • Specifications:   Ursolic Acid 20%-90%
  • Appearance:   Brown fine powder
  • Application:   Medicine, food additive, dietary supplement
Email: info@nutragreen.co.uk

Product name

Loquat Leaf Extract

Latin Name

Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.)Lindl

Active ingredients

Ursolic Acid


Japanese plum, Japanese medlar,nespola giapponese, néflier du Japon,bibassier. japanische mispel, wollmispel, nispero, nispero japonés, nispero del Japónm, ameixa amarella, ameixa do Japao.


Brown fine powder

Part used



Ursolic Acid 20%-90%


Main benefits

Antioxidant, anticancer, antiviruses

Applied industries

Medicine, food additive, dietary supplement


What is Loquat Leaf?

The Loquat tree is a member of the Rose family, and is also known as the Japanese Plum tree. The tree has dark green, glossy leaves and small, oval yellow-orange fruit. Loquat trees are indigenous to China and Japan and there are many varieties. Both the leaves and fruit have nutritional value, however, it is the Loquat leaf that holds the most significant medicinal properties. The Loquat leaf can also be purchased as an extract or as a tea.   

According to Chinese medicine, when energy in the body becomes stagnant, it creates heat which, in the throat area, can lead to sticky phlegm that creates a cough. Loquat leafs are rich in volatile oils such as farnoquiol, which can move phlegm out of the throat area.

Chemical constituents of Loquat Leaf Extract

loquat leaf extract including ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, 2α-hydroxy-ursolic acid, 2α-hydroxy oleanolic acid, slope-mode acid acid.

Benefits of taking Loquat Leaf Extract supplements:

Loquat Leaf Fights A Variety of Viruses

Standard viruses are subject to the power of the Loquat Leaf. There is evidence that suggests that the Loquat leaf produces a variety of acids that have an anti-viral effect. the triterpene chemicals help to directly reduce rhinovirus infections (colds of various kinds).

It may sound too good to be true, but there is even evidence that Loquat leaf can have a mild suppressive effect on the HIV virus. This use is possible because of the acids present in this herb. One of these acids in organic Loquat leaf is the 2-alpha-hydoxyursolic acid, and it has the anti-HIV effect.

Loquat leaf has antioxidants

The leaf releases antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and thus increase immunity, prevent various diseases and prolong life.


Loquat leafs are high in B vitamins, specifically B-17 and antioxidants, elements that can help to treat and prevent a variety of cancers. Recent research found that Loquat leaf contains chemicals that can slow skin cancer and stop cancer cells from reproducing and growing.


Loquats are frequently prescribed as part of a healing diet of herbs to treat diabetes, and have been approved by the Chinese government to prevent and treat diabetes. Diabetes is a disorder in the way the body uses digested food for energy. Insulin is the chemical your body makes to move the glucose created by the food you ingest into energy. People with diabetes have little or no insulin production. Loquat leaf produces two chemicals that increase insulin production: tormentic acid and polysaccharides.

The Chinese government has approved the chemical as an antidiabetic agent. Tormentic acid produces polysaccharides which increase insulin production.

Loquat Leaf Fights Skin Inflammation

One of Loquat leaf's oldest reported benefits is the reduction of skin inflammation. And when Loquat leaf is used in topical cream, it can combat edema and histamine-induced skin contraction. In short, it helps the skin heal from inflammation of various kinds. Skin inflammation can often be painful and the soothing effect of Loquat leaf can be very beneficfial.

Side effects and safety of Loquat Leaf Extract

 Has not yet been reported that he has serious side effects.

Dosage of Loquat Leaf Extract supplement:

Consult your physician if you have any questions about the proper use of Loquat Leaf Extract supplements.

Company Information:

Nutragreen Biotechnology Co., Ltd, a brand of Shanghai Lvshang Biotech Co., Ltd, is a GMP compliant and FDA registered manufacturer and supplier of raw materials of plant extracts, botanicals, herbs, especially Tradtional Chinese herbs. Loquat Leaf Extract is one of our most competitive ingredients with various specifications and stocks available all year round. You may leave a message below for more detailed information.