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27 2013
What is Mushroom Polysaccharide?
From laboratory and human clinical studieson medicinal mushrooms found that a number of compounds in medicinal mushroomcan stimulate immune function and inhibit tumor growth. The main compoundsobserved were polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are chains of sugar unitsthat form in configurations from tens to thousands of units long. They comprisethe carbohydrate storage units for plants and animals, and they can also havestructural roles in plants, fungi, insects, and crustaceans. Plants makestarches as their storage units, while animals store glycogen. Starches andglycogen are homopolysaccharides, meaning that they have the same type of sugarthroughout their chain.( According to wikipedia) Briefly,Polysaccharides are large, complexbranched chain-like molecules built from many smaller units of sugar molecules. Polysaccharides have shown to haveantitumor and immuno-stimulating properties. Similar immune-activatingpolysaccharides from medicinal mushrooms are als
26 2013
What is Proanthocyanidins(OPC)?
Description Proanthocyanidins are present in the fruits, bark, leaves and seeds of many plantswhere they provide protection against predation. At the same time they giveflavor and astringency to beverages such as wine, fruit juices and teas. Theybelong to a class of polyphenols and are widely distributed throughout theplant kingdom. Their antioxidants are much stronger than vitamin C or vitamin Ein aqueous systems. Proanthocyanidins are oligomeric flavonoids.They are dimers or oligomers of catechinand epicatechin and their gallic acid esters.They share common properties withother polyphenols, in particular their reducing capacity and ability to chelatemetal ions. However, their polymeric nature clearly makes them different. Theyhave a high affinity for proteins and their absorption through the gut barrieris likely limited to the molecules of low polymerization degree and to themetabolites formed by colonic microflora. You may also come across additional
25 2013
What is Anthocyanins?
Description Anthocyanins are bioflavonoids thatfunction as red, purple, and blue pigment in many fruits, vegetables, cerealgrains, and flowers. They occur in nearly all plants in their leaves, stems,and roots but are most commonly found in fruits and flowers. Anthocyanins are known primarily for theirantioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As antioxidants, anthocyaninshelp rid the body of the free radicals that cause oxidative damage in the body.Studies have shown that anthocyanins have a wide range of health benefitsincluding the prevention and treatment of the following conditions: cancer,coronary heart disease, and circulatory conditions such as gout. They are alsotaken to treat bladder infections and urinary tract infections, as well as toimprove vision. Anthocyanins have been used as a natural food coloring inproducts such as beverages, fruit fillings, and dairy products. The kinds of anthocyanins Scientists have identified more than 5
18 2013
Zeaxanthin and lutein
Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid compound foundin the retina of the eye. In the macula, an area in the center of the retina,there are high concentrations of zeaxanthin, with lower concentrations oflutein, a related compound. In the rest of the retina, lutein predominates,with lesser levels of zeaxanthin.The macula is the part of the eye responsiblefor central sharp vision, which is necessary for driving and reading. Luteinand zeaxanthin have antioxidant properties and thus help protect the body fromdamage caused by free radicals. Zeaxanthin for eye healthbenefit, cataracts, macular degeneration, eye diseases Astaxanthin supplementbenefit to reduce lipid peroxidation and free radical oxidation prevention Ofthe many carotenoids circulating in human bloodstream, only lutein andzeaxanthin are accumulated in significant quantities throughout the tissues ofthe retina of the eye. Lutein is a carotenoid which has become popular as adietary supplement either by itself, or
21 2013
Notice: Promotion News for Green Coffee Bean Extract Chlorogenic Acids 50% HPLC
Reliable quality, competitive price, fastdelivery with steable supply Store info: Monthly store 5 tonnes. Annualoutput of this on is 100 Tonnes. Hereby we do the promotion because we aresuccessful in improving our processing method to cut cost at the basis ofstable high quality. Of course different price depends on different quality. Green Coffee Bean Extract has strong anti-oxidant properties similar to other natural anti-oxidants like green tea and grape seedextract. It has polyphenols, such as chlorogenic acid, which act to help reduce free oxygen radicals in the body. These small beans now are being used as supplements to aid in weight loss and were evenfeatured on the Dr. Oz show.
11 2013
Drivers in the U.S. Women’s Health Market
Women’s health is a broad area coveringpreventive health care for all major body functions, including bone,circulatory system and urinary tract. Women are prone to some diseases, such asosteoporosis, osteoarthritis (OA), anemia, menstrual health disorders, obesity,depression and fibromyalgia. Statistics prove women are also more prone thanmen to certain autoimmune conditions such as lupus and hypothyroidism.Historically, management of women’s health has been through traditional means,including usage of herbs and dietary control. Rediscovering the importance of certaindietary components in maintaining women’s health has led to the rapid growth ofwomen’s health ingredients. The market for women’s health ingredients is expectedto grow at a healthy pace, ranging between 9.3 percent and 9.5 percent in thetwo largest markets—Europe and North America. The major ingredients positioned forwomen’s health include iron, calcium, vitamin D, folic acid, soy is
05 2013
Regulation of herbal dietary supplements in the United States
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) andits predecessor agencies have had jurisdiction over herbal products marketed inthe United States for over 100 years. During this time herbs that have beenincluded in conventional foods, such as peppermint tea or vanilla extract, havebeenregulated as foods, while herbs like digitalis and belladonna, which arerecognized as drugs, have been regulated as such. Many other herbs that havelong been used for therapeutic purposes or to maintain or promote health havealso been broadly sold, but for many years there was no clearly definedregulatory category for these products. Attempts were made to fill this regulatorygap at the beginning of the 1990s. FDA proposed at that time that herbal“dietary supplements” should be regulated in the same manner as food additives,which is to say with the same rules that apply to added ingredients like aspartame.But this did not seem like alogical approach for herbs such as chamomile,e
04 2013
International Herb & Botanical extract market Trends
Herb and botanical sales continueto increase worldwide. In fact, naturally derived herbal and botanical extractswill experience some of the fastest growth among the major nutraceuticalingredient groups, according to “World Nutraceutical Ingredients to 2015,” arecent study published by the Freedonia Group, Cleveland, OH.In 2010, the botanical and natural ingredient export trade reachedapproximately $33 billion, according to the Market News Service (MNS)“Medicinal Plant and Extracts” report, published in the MNS December 2011bulletin. By 2015, the international herb supplement and remedies market isexpected to reach $93 billion, according to a report by San Jose, CA-basedGlobal Industry Analysts, Inc.There are multiple reasons for this continued gain in popularity.Fundamentally, “In many countries throughout the globe, botanicals are thefirst choice in preventative health,” said Michael Wang, president, NuLivScience USA, Walnut, CA.Why people are
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